Your Dirty Dance Lift (to have the Wedding Dance of Your Life)!

So you’ve seen the movie and that Dirty Dancing lift looks so amazing! Should it be a part of your Wedding Dance? Here are four considerations!

Firstly, at the time of filming the movie, “Johny” aka Patrick Swayze in his personal life, already had thirty years dance experience. When born, Patrick’s mum and dad were already running a ballet school.

Secondly, “Baby” aka Jennifer Grey was not wearing a wedding dress during that lift. Instead, it was a light summer dress. A wedding dress is commonly more heavy and more restrictive than a summer dress.

Thirdly, even in the movie, the couple practiced the lift in a lake, allowing for multiple falls, and without any consequence or injury. How will your dance studio provide this risk-free dance floor?

Finally, that lift requires the Lead to catch and hold a fast moving woman above their head and with straight arms. Then the Follower must maintain an elevated “plank position” for about five seconds. Plus, all of this occurs with your huge Wedding Day emotions and as countless guests video you from every angle … with no Take Two! (In the movie, there were six separate recordings of that lift.)

So, whilst it’s not impossible for your stunning Wedding Dance to include the Dirty Dancing Lift, there are some practical considerations.

For Let’s Dance to help you best towards your wedding dance preparation, simply click here to contact Mark David … Your Private Wedding Dance Instructor for Brisbane Wedding Dance, Gold Coast Wedding Dance, Wedding Dance Brisbane, Wedding Dance Gold Coast, or your Wedding Dance Lessons.


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