Leading, Following, Driver and Passenger

Why is there a dance Leader and a dance Follower? It’s for the same reason cars don’t have two steering wheels i.e. one for the intended driver, the other for the front passenger. On the wedding dance floor (like in a car), one person is in charge of making decisions whilst the other simply follows.

I’ve personally supported many same-sex wedding dance couples, including the discussion around, on the dancefloor, who will be the Leader and who will be the Follower. On numerous occasions, after learning a few dance steps, the “Leader” wants to swap roles with the “Follower” contesting they’re leading role has more work than the following role! Needless to say, the “Follower” happily retains their highly loved dancing role knowing they’ve less work to do!

So, whoever is the Leader (on the dancefloor) will have authority about when and what dance moves are done by the couple, and in time to the music. However, like the driver of a car, the Leader also has the responsibility of taking care of their Follower. A car driver is responsible for their passenger when driving on a busy highway; a dance Leader is responsible for their Follower when dancing on a busy dancefloor!

If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask me during your fun private dance lessons in the Let’s Dance wedding dance studio.


How Many Lessons are Needed?